Blue Mountain
College:Lay Healer
Spell Type:Special Knowledge Spell
Special Classification:None
Spell Rank Limit:22
Duration:2 hours per rank
Base Chance:40
Components:Verbal, Somatic
Saving Throw:None
When this spell is cast, the affected creature gains a virtual immunity to any attack by cut, blow, projectile, or the like. Even a sword of sharpness cannot affect a creature protected by stoneskin, nor can a rock hurled by a giant, a snake's strike, etc. However, magical attacks from such spells as fireball, magic missile, lightning bolt, cone of cold, ice storm and so forth have their normal effects. The spell's effects are not cumulative with multiple castings.

The spell blocks 1d4 attacks, plus one attack per three ranks (round up). This limit applies regardless of attack rolls and regardless of whether the attack was physical or magical. For example, a stoneskin spell cast by a rank 9 caster would protect against from four to seven attacks. An attacking griffon would remove three of these "layers" each round and inflict no damage regardless of the attack roll.

Magical attacks reduce the Stoneskins by one for each attack and still cause damage. For example, four magic missiles would count as four attacks in addition to inflicting their normal damage so the target would lose 4 layers. A Cone of Cold would remove one layer and cause normal damage. An Ice Storm removes all layers.

A Lay Healer can only cast this spell on themselves.
Effect Category:Combat
Base Cost:100
Area of Effect:1 target0
Cast Chance:400.8
Casting Time:Normal spell0
Components:See Components Above-0.5
Duration:2 hours per rank1.8
Immunity:No Immunity0
List:Partially fits college0.25
Range:Self Only-0.5
Reliability:Mostly reliable0
Resistance:No save0
Visibility:No visibility modifier0
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):