Blue Mountain
Neutralize Poison
College:Lay Healer
Spell Type:Special Knowledge Spell
Special Classification:None
Spell Rank Limit:22
Name:Neutralize Poison
Base Chance:25
Components:Verbal, Somatic
Saving Throw:
By means of a neutralize poison spell, the mage detoxifies any sort of venom in the creature or substance touched. Note that an opponent, such as a poisonous reptile or snake (or even an envenomed weapon of an opponent) unwilling to be so touched requires the mage to roll a successful attack in combat. This spell can prevent death in a poisoned creature if cast before death occurs. The effects of the spell are permanent only with respect to poison existing in the touched creature at the time of the touch; thus, creatures (and objects) that generate new poison are not permanently detoxified.

The mage can affect a single creature, or a single container of poison not larger than 1 gallon per rank.

This spell can also be cast on an unpoisoned target to prevent them from being poisoned. In this regard, the effects of the spell last for up to 1 hour per rank (24 hours at rank 22). If the protected subject is the target of a poison attack, they gain a bonus to their save equal to the caster's rank with this spell. If the save is successful, the poison is negated and the effects of this spell continue. If the save is failed, then this spell will still negate the effects of the poison but the duration of this spell ends immediately.

Example: This spell is cast on Darius. The caster's rank is 8 so the effects will last for 8 hours. At a royal function 2 hours later, Darius unknowningly drinks some poisoned wine. He is allowed a magic save at +8. He makes the save so the poison is negated. An hour later he has another glass of the same poisoned wine. This time he fails his save. The poison is still negated but, this time, the duration of the spell also ends because he failed his save.
Effect Category:Physical
Effect:Neutralize Poison
Base Cost:200
Area of Effect:1 target0
Cast Chance:250.2
Casting Time:Normal spell0
Components:See Components Above-0.5
Immunity:No Immunity0
List:List Appropriate0
Reliability:Mostly reliable0
Resistance:No save0
Visibility:No visibility modifier0
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):