Blue Mountain
College:Lay Healer
Spell Type:Special Knowledge Spell
Special Classification:None
Spell Rank Limit:22
Base Chance:40
Components:Verbal, Somatic
Saving Throw:None
By means of a withdraw spell, the mage in effect alters the flow of time with regard to himself. While but one round of time passes for those not affected by the spell, the mage is able to spend two rounds, plus one round per rank, in contemplation. Thus, a rank 5 caster can withdraw for seven rounds to cogitate on some matter while one round passes for all others. Note that while affected by the withdraw spell, the caster can use only the following spells: any divination spell or any curing or healing spell, the latter on himself only. The casting of any of these spells in different fashion (for example, a cure light wounds spell bestowed upon a companion) negates the withdraw spell. Similarly, the withdrawn caster cannot walk or run, become invisible, or engage in actions other than thinking, reading, and the like. He can be affected by the actions of others, losing any Dexterity or shield bonus. Any successful attack upon the caster breaks the spell.
Effect Category:Dimensional
Base Cost:200
Area of Effect:1 target0
Cast Chance:400.8
Casting Time:Normal spell0
Components:See Components Above-0.5
Duration:1 round per rank0
Immunity:No Immunity0
List:List Appropriate0
Range:Self Only-0.5
Reliability:Mostly reliable0
Resistance:No save0
Visibility:No visibility modifier0
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):