Blue Mountain
Raise Dead
College:Lay Healer
Spell Type:Special Knowledge Spell
Special Classification:None
Spell Rank Limit:22
Name:Raise Dead
Base Chance:5
Components:Verbal, Somatic
Saving Throw:None
When the mage casts a raise dead spell, he can restore life to a living creature. The length of time that the person has been dead is of importance, as the mage can only raise persons who have died within the last (rank x rank) hours.

Note that the body of the person must be whole, or otherwise missing parts are still missing when the person is brought back to life. Likewise, other ills, such as poison and disease, are not negated. The raised person must roll a successful resurrection survival check to survive the ordeal (see Constitution) and loses 1 point of Constitution unless he rolls a critical or grievous success with his resurrection survival roll. Further, the raised person is weak and helpless, needing a minimum of one full day of rest in bed for every 6 ours, or fraction thereof, that he was dead. The person has 1 hit point when raised and must regain the rest by natural healing or curative magic.

A character's starting Constitution is an absolute limit to the number of times he can be revived by this means.

This spell takes 5 minutes to cast.
Effect Category:Physical
Base Cost:600
Area of Effect:1 target0
Cast Chance:5-0.75
Casting Time:Long spell-0.5
Components:See Components Above-0.5
Immunity:No Immunity0
List:List Appropriate0
Reliability:Mostly reliable0
Resistance:No save0
Visibility:No visibility modifier0
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):