Blue Mountain
Cure Disease
College:Lay Healer
Spell Type:Special Knowledge Spell
Special Classification:None
Spell Rank Limit:22
Name:Cure Disease
Base Chance:25
Components:Verbal, Somatic, Material
Saving Throw:
This spell enables the caster to cure most diseases by placing his hand upon the diseased creature. The affliction rapidly disappears thereafter, making the cured creature whole and well in from 10 minutes to 10 days, depending on the type of disease and the state of its advancement when the cure took place. (The DM must adjudicate these conditions.) The spell is also effective against parasitic monsters such as green slime, rot grubs, and others.

At rank 15, this spell cures lycanthropy if cast within three days of the infection.

Note that the spell does not prevent reoccurrence of a disease if the recipient is again exposed.

This spell can also be cast on an undiseased target to prevent them from being infected with a disease. In this regard, the effects of the spell last for up to 1 hour per rank (24 hours at rank 22). If the protected subject is subject to a disease, they gain a bonus to their save equal to the caster's rank with this spell. If the save is successful, the disease is negated and the effects of this spell continue. If the save is failed, then this spell will still negate the effects of the disease but the duration of this spell ends immediately.

Example: This spell is cast on Aiya. The caster's rank is 8 so the effects will last for 8 hours. While adventuring, Aiya is infected with a disease from a mummy. She is allowed a save at +8. She makes the save so the disease is negated. A couple of rounds later, she is hit again. This time she fails her save. The disease is still negated but, this time, the duration of the spell also ends because she failed her save.

This spell requires 2 sets of Healing Ingredients (c.f., GK Ritual - Conjure Healing Ingredients) and takes 1 minute to cast.
Effect Category:Physical
Effect:Cure any disease
Base Cost:200
Area of Effect:1 target0
Cast Chance:250.2
Casting Time:Long spell-0.5
Components:See Components Above-1
Duration:1 hour per rank1.75
Immunity:No Immunity0
List:List Appropriate0
Reliability:Mostly reliable0
Resistance:No save0
Visibility:No visibility modifier0
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):