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Campaign:Black Moon
Adventure:Prison Planet
Send To:Curt Rustle, Jack, Max, Nobody, Surge, Vamperina
Turn Start Date (ex. 12/31/6565)
Turn Number:30.4
Combat Turn:
Subject:Mind Scans on the Group
NOBODY: The old man approaches Jack for a private talk, down in the mines.

NOBODY: "I've made a solid breakthrough on my mindscan and my TK. I still have some work to do on both. I need to start practicing the mindscan so that I can become familiar with the minds of our group. No, it is not invasive, its more like becoming familiar with someone's face with your eyes, or voice with your ears. I will especially need to get to know Curt as he is a shapeshifter. Still, I came to you first to get your reaction, and to let you feel out the others' reactions to this.

NOBODY: There may be a possible bonus to my mindscan. It might let me affect a quicker breakthrough for other people's powers. Again, its a hypothesis only."

JACK: "Well I am willing to let you familiarize yourself with me, certainly. I guess the next person to approach might be Vana, she doesn't seem to have much fear of mental powers. Surge will probably be interested as well, especially since he's attempted to figure out the mind blocks a bit as well. Once us three are done, and there's been no ill effects, we can go to the others and have more ways to reassure them. I won't approach anyone without your specific approval though, I know you've been a private person and I want to respect that.

NOBODY: "I was wondering if you would approach each core member seperately, for me, and ask if they will allow a mind scan familiarization. If you can do this without giving me away until you have their approval, I would appreciate it. I am willing to do you first so that you can witness that it is non-intrusive."

JACK (OOC): I already responded to this, I gave you permission to do me, and suggested that the next one be Vana, since she seems fearless enough. Surge might be next because of his fascination with mutant powers. If you meant for me to make all the decisions and do all the talking and pick who goes in what order, I guess I can live with that, although it's pretty much impossible to describe what I'm asking without giving you away. If so...

JACK: Jack talks to Vana privately a few hours later, and says, "One of our psionics has recently approached me and asked me to talk to everyone privately. He's recently broken through a mental block and wants permission to use what is essentially a mental sense to scan just the surface of our minds, to familiarize himself with them. He hopes to be able to help each of us with our mindblocks, but even if that can't happen, it is worthwhile to get done. The process is completely painless and he won't penetrate anyone's privacy, it's more like a blind person feeling the contours of your face to get a sense of what you look like. Are you willing to let him do this?

VAMPERINA: "I have no problem with it although, keep in mind that I don't have any mind blocks."

JACK: "True, but he says it will have future value that he is familiar with our minds, to make it easier for him to sense any unfamiliar minds nearby, or something like that. I'll let him know that you've given the okay." Later that same day Jack brings Nobody to meet with you, and says, "I'll stay nearby just in case, I don't know how distracted you both might be."

NOBODY: The old man will quietly reassure Vana and explain, in detail, what he will do, what she needs to do, and what he expects as results. With Jack nearby watching, and with Vana's willing assistance, Eli will perform the mindscan, again with physical contact included.

GM: The result is the same as when you scanned Jack except that you don't see any mind blocks. And, to reiterate, it is only working because Vamperina is a willing participant and is not resisting.


NOBODY: Eli will use his limited mindscan to make as thorough of a scan of Jack as possible, even to the point of making physical contact.

GM: You are successful, but only because Jack is not resisting at all. The mind blocks are visible to your mind scan and thus you can help break them down if you wish.

JACK: Kinda OOC, informational purposes: Cool :) I have 3 significant blocks, one of them is already over halfway eroded to nothing, another is just barely eroded enough to let me access the power slightly, and another is nearly full strength, as if I've not tried to erode it at all, and only the passage of time has weakened it. I don't know how your 'help' works, but any you can give will be appreciated, and obviously having a positive example can only help your case when trying to convince the others.

NOBODY: "Oops. Almost forgot. I've already approached Max, since we share a cell, as he is mentally powerful as well. He and I are currently working on the mind scan experiment, plus I'm trying to teach him a technique that I used last year to help me to more quickly break through the mindblocks. If it works well with him, then I can begin teaching others."

JACK: "Good to know, I'll keep that in mind."


NOBODY: The old man looks pleased with Vana's mindscan. "Thanks for the help Vana. My mindscan is still partly restricted, so I wouldn't have had much of a chance of getting through if you had resisted. Did you know that you and Jack are my first two mindscans ever? Never really felt the need to go poking about in other people's business. Still don't, but necessity will drive one to invention.

NOBODY: Jack, I think that Surge would be my next best candidate, unfortunately, I can't see him until last as he is in the shop. I'll leave it up to you who to approach next, but I recommend that Arpad be saved for last.

NOBODY: I had another thought that might get Etienne to help us escape. If we are planning to use a cave-in to cover our tracks, we risk injuring others. With his natural skills, he could reduce that risk significantly. Also, I'm betting that the new warden is going to be heading up the ladder pretty quickly. She's too good to be left stuck out in the boondocks. I'm pretty sure that within the next six months that new sleezeball AW will be in charge, and things will be as bad, or worse than before. You can let Etienne know that I project an 75% chance of his ascendency back to gangleader of chaos within 6 months, and 95% chance within one year. His peace and quiet will not last.

NOBODY: However, if we escape, there is the possibility she may get stuck here and her improvements will continue to make this a better place for everyone. We can help him to find a place outside that he will be happy to quietly settle in.

NOBODY: His choice."

VAMPERINA: "Do you know something about Etienne that we don't? I'm not sure what 'natural skills' you are talking about. I wouldn't normally assume that, just because he was the leader of a prison gang, he would have any natural skills with mining."

JACK: Some of his mutant abilities have to do with enhanced tunneling ability, being able to tunnel through normal rock should be pretty easy for him, IF his mindblock has been penetrated. He used to be a vigilante on Regina under the name Xorn, and Nobody remembered him better than I did. I never even made the connection until Axel told me.

JACK: His mindblocks are VERY strong, or so he's told me, so it seems unlikely he has the power to help us, even if we could convince him.


JACK: Jack approaches Surge in the rec area one evening early in Month 22, and asks to speak with him privately in his quarters. The usual bug scan later, he says, "One of our psionics has recently approached me and asked me to talk to everyone privately. He's recently broken through a mental block and wants permission to use what is essentially a mental sense to scan just the surface of our minds, to familiarize himself with them. He hopes to be able to help each of us with our mindblocks, but even if that can't happen, it is worthwhile to get done. The process is completely painless and he won't penetrate anyone's privacy, it's more like a blind person feeling the contours of your face to get a sense of what you look like. He's already had some success with the others, and it seems quite safe. Are you willing to let him do this?

SURGE: "Hmm, I assume this is Nobody? I don't have any problem with a scan that doesn't do into my memories. Let him know that I'm fine with it."


GM: When you eventually approach Scooter and Dayne about mind scans, they don't have a problem with it.

JACK: After Surge I'd say Scooter, then Dayne, then Curt, and finally Arpad. Is that everyone?
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