Rule Category:Skills
Rule Name:Language Skills
The following is taken from the Champions rules and expanded slightly.

1 point - Basic Conversation - 8 or less to understand normal speech. 11 or less to understand slow and simple conversation spoken for the benefit of someone who is not fluent.

2 points - Fluent Conversation - 11 or less to fully understand normal speech (automatically understand context). Can automatically understand slow/simple speech.

3 points - Completely Fluent w/accent - Can automatically understand normal speech. INT roll to understand highly technical conversation.

4 points - Idiomatic, Native Accent - Can automatically understand all speech. 11 or less to place accent ("He spoke English with an accent. I think he was from South Africa.")

5 points - Idiomatic, Native Accent - Can automatically understand all speech. Can imitate dialects. INT roll to place accent.

Note that those with the Universal Translator talent can automatically understand all speech (4 point level) if they make their talent roll, but always have an accent and are unable to place accents of others.
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