Data-Display/Recorder Headpiece
Specific Category:Other
Item Name:Data-Display/Recorder Headpiece
Active Point Cost:
Real Point Cost:
Cost Modifier suggestions
Program is Real Cost 5 or lessCost x 1
Program is Real Cost 6 to 10Cost x 2
Program is Real Cost 11 to 15Cost x 3
Program is Real Cost 16 to 20Cost x 4
Program is Real Cost 21 or moreCost x 5
Program is Military IssueAdj Cost x 10
Program is Custom DesignedAdj Cost x 100
Item Cost:5000
Tech Level:13
Weight:.1 kg
Description:This headpice represents a significant breakthrough in holographic display technology at Tech Level 13. A small rectangle of polylucent cuprothallium provides a constant heads-up three-dimensional display for the wearer. Although useless by itself, the headpiece can be interfaced with virtually any number of TL 13+ devices by using a multiplexor similar to that used with commdots. The multiplexor not only coordinates the information for the user but also synchronously records the multiple signals onto one standard holocrystal for later review.

Their use is common among bridge and engineering personnel on starships as well a smaller craft. For example, someone flying in a grav belt while using a neural activity sensor handset would find it convonenient (to say the least) to refer to the readout on his backpack. Instead, the sensor's output is immediately displayed on his headpiece. At the same time, he can monitor his altitude, airspeed, position, and the operational status of his grav belt batteries and grav units. If he is also wearing a vacc suit, he can read off his oxygen supply and internal temperature besides.

When desired, the headpiece can be swung out of the way above the head; when the disply is turned off, the cuprothallium is transparent. About three percent of the population find it difficult to focus properly on the headpiece and are unable to use the device.