LG Shades
Specific Category:Optical
Item Name:LG Shades
Active Point Cost:
Real Point Cost:
Cost Modifier suggestions
Program is Real Cost 5 or lessCost x 1
Program is Real Cost 6 to 10Cost x 2
Program is Real Cost 11 to 15Cost x 3
Program is Real Cost 16 to 20Cost x 4
Program is Real Cost 21 or moreCost x 5
Program is Military IssueAdj Cost x 10
Program is Custom DesignedAdj Cost x 100
Item Cost:10000
Tech Level:13
Weight:.1 kg
Description:LG Shades are glasses made of liquid glass and use nanotechnology to modify the liquid glass to perform various sense-enhancing abilities. Base cost for the glasses is Cr10,000 which provides 10 points of Flash Defense. Other options are available as follows:

Infrared Vision - Cr5000
Microscopic Vision (10x) - Cr3000
Milimeter Wave (detect metal) - Cr8000
Telescopic Vision (+2) - Cr4000
Telescopic Vision (+4) - Cr8000
Telescopic Vision (+6) - Cr12,000
Ultraviolet Vision - Cr5000

Note that LG Shades are durable in that if they are dropped, they probably won't break. However, if someone wears them in a combat situation, and gets hit with an energy blast or area effect attack, it will probably destroy the glasses. They are not designed for combat.